Monday, August 29, 2011

videos :D

here are some random videos from yesterday i just took a video cause they look so fun to watch :D

Saturday, August 27, 2011

just got home :D

it was very fun :D i was kinda crazy cause i like to take so many pictures of everything first i saw a member of the transformers xDD THE MAIN CHARACTER!! OPTIMUS PRIME! (of Sweden) and then when we got to the place i saw so many dogs and i like to take pictures of them all!! they are so cute but i was so shy to ask their owners if i can take a picture of them and then later i ate ice cream and then my shyness was out of me so i grab my mom and ask the ice cream man if i can take a picture if him.. so i made it and then there were also some guys who played hand drums they were so cool so i took a video if them and in the end i took a picture of him with me.. all food and drinks were free so i took home 2 drinks, burger and some sweets ha ha i was fun :D 

here are some pictures for today  :D

yeah i became a holder.. -.-

saturday! :D

SCA day :DD it means we will have some good time :DDD
free food.. free games!! oh yeah but!!!! HATE the weather!! it so cold outside and windy :(( makes me feel so lazy going out instead stay inside and grab some sweets, a cola and watch movie... but i want to go OUTSIDE! hope the weather will be better later :D

see yah

Friday, August 26, 2011


''Distance doesn't matter if you really love the person, what matters most is your honesty and trust for that relationship to work out.''

good afternoon everyone!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

i'm home!!

so fast :DD i have just one class today MATH :D just one hr ha ha now i'm home again nothing to do just listening to music!! a while ago i was thinking if i shall take a picture of my outfit today cause i kinda love it :D i spent 30 mins in front of the mirror admiring my clothes ha ha and i forgot to take a picture of me. 

can't just live without it

nothing to do..

right now i'm still sitting here at home cause i will start at 1.35  pm and it is just 12.00 i don't know what to do cause i'm all set now i have fixed myself and fixed my things... i woke up early this morning cause my brothers alarm clock is so loud and even me was waken by it... i woke up around 9 o'clock and now i'm so bored already waiting 1o'clock to come...  right now i'm just listening to music and blogging :D AND I'M SO BORED!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

tired :(

THIRD DAY at school and we got already a HOMEWORK and we need to present it in front if the class after 3 lessons.. honestly!!! why so sudden and so fast!! can have it instead next week my brain is still not in school ha ha i have haven't processes my brain ha ha xD well by the way i hate it :( 

a while ago i saw a student with her son/daugther in the stroller in school. i can feel how embarassing is it but yeah it is her reponsibility ...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

second day :D

it is just second day in school but we started alread going on our regular classes and met our new teachers. why is it always tiring after going to school :(( right now i'm so tired 


fewer free time :(

Monday, August 22, 2011

i need it so i must

i got home early from school so me and my brother went to the mall and walked around and bought somethings i need so i can't blame me for buying things i need them so i am happy ;D

well except on this one it was so cute so i bought it ;D

first day of school...

it feels so good going back to school cause i missed my classmates, my friends and my teachers ha ha.. some of my classmates from last years class was not the same as the most of we are.. cause they have different line of course. my best friend in the diferrent class now also but i was kinda good also so we can meet more friends and more grow individually :D we can still contact and see eache other in school :) but one thing i don't like in school is the school works and busy times now ha ha but kinda fun :) we got new teachers and new teachers that will handle us.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

school tomorrow

i miss school i miss busy days BUT am i really sure i want it now xDD

morning everyone!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011


''Distance doesn't matter if you really love the person, what matters most is your honesty and trust for that relationship to work out.'' 


Thursday, August 18, 2011


yeah!! im home! i was out with my friends Albina and Mikaela. it was fun.. we talked so many things and we can't stop until we were on the buss way home xDD. Albina and Mikaela have't bought something for them which is good because they are also savong money!! BUT ME!!! i really need to save money but!!! i can't go out of the mall without seeing something i really want!! BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really WANT IT, LIKE IT AND LOVE IT!!!!! so i bougt it!! 

FINALLY it's been a long time!!! so inlove with it!!


today is the day on going outside and having fun!!
 see yah later 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Finally we're home ;D it was a tiring day but it was worth it :DD TODAY is the birthday of Marcus Berg.. until now i still haven't decided if i will send an email for him... let me think about it :P .... IDK! well btw i think it's bed time now :P see yah

Morning :D


Tuesday, August 16, 2011


''Sweet dreams are made by YOU and ME''


shall i or shall i not??

okey.. tomorrow is Marcus Berg birthday... and i found his webbsite annd there i found that i can send a message to him... which is good for those loyal fans of him but... the questions is shall i write an email for him just saying happy birthday to him :P i don't know what shall i do :D( i think i'm just embarassed xD ) i don't usually do those kind of things like writing to someone i admire :P well by the way i have nothing to do as of the moment so i write here instead :DD



breakfast... is BROWNIES!! 

i baked brownies for breakfast ;D

i have put so much confectioners sugar :P

Monday, August 15, 2011

oh yeah!

early in the morning first thing i heard <3

his name is Marcus Berg.. he is a player in Swedish football <3 i have seen him played many times and i can say he is really good <3333. he is born 17 August 1986.. so it means it's coming soon!!! on WEDNESDAY!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Finally we're HOME!!! i was not home for 4 days xD ( i mean home here where we really live ) i missed my bed!! xDD 


maybe i'm sweet like flowers does xD


done with harvesting some berries it was so tiring and pain at the back xD it was so warm today... i was wearing jogging pants cause if i will wear just shorts it will be hard on me on going inside in the forest and i know that there will be some insects that wants to taste some of my blood xDDD so yeah i wore a jogging pants xD and it was so warm xDD but anyways..... on the way home i was bitten by a BEE!!! it hurts so much it was my first time gotten bitten by a bee maybe i'm sweet so he bite me xD 

so now im packing my things and we are ready to go home!!! OFF WE GO!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

blue berries and many more..

we are at our summer house today until tomorrow... my mom and me walked outside cause the weather is so wonderful.. it's not so warm and not so cold either. first we planned to just take a walked putside but it ended up  harvesting some berries on the way.. there were plenty of them... we can't take them all cause we don't know where we will put them so we planned to go back tomorrow and bring some container with us... soo yeah it was kinda tiring going inside the forest xD

gonna need to sleep now cause i need to wake up eaarly tomorrow :D

Friday, August 12, 2011


:O <<<< that was my reaction .. i got a letter from my friend from a website.. this website is so cool cause you can actually send message in the future ;DDD soo i got a letter and i was really shocked what is written on that letter and was very touched.... i have a really good friend and i was so blessed to have her :D love her so much :) so i think i will be  a good night now :)

We are HOME!!

We are HOME!!!!!!... but we will be going again on our summer house... i was so happy on going home cause i thought i can rest and lay on my bed but NOOOO.... i will be spending my weekend on the summer house... :( i want to stay here at home!!!! ... :((( so i will pack my things now... see yah..

Thursday, August 11, 2011


today me and my brother wil sleep in a different house... my brother got a one day job... my mom's friend is pregnant so she can't clean on the garden cause it will be hard if she will bend... so she ask my brother if he can help on the garden... and my job is taking care of her son who is 4 years old.. one thing i can say.. it was hard taking care of him cause he is a boy and he like to wrestle so much and i was like his personal punching bag ha ha but it was fun... 

sooooooo tireeeddd...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


he was not online.... 


this picture is from Le Love blogg.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


''He was never in my vocabulary until one day he became the ONLY word i know''

night :D

Saturday, August 6, 2011

oh yeah!

i just realize it now...

''I had been in a 8 months relationship... that was the longest relationship i ever had.... ''

he was not online again.... is he busy or he just don't have connection... :( 

Thursday, August 4, 2011


my half sister visited us :D they live in the sounth of sweden and it is so far away from where we are living now so they visit not so very often.. they little girl was my niece. she is very cute >:D 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


i was in the city this day with my friend. We just talked about so many things cause we haven't spent time with each other this summer cause our family have differnt plans tjis summer and they were outside the country this summer and ofc, i can't follow with them cause i don't have money first of all :D

It was so nice to meet again and talked about the things that we have done this summer. We also check some things on different stores and find so many things that we both want to buy BUT we have the same problem we must save money.. and it so hard if you are there in front of the things you like to buy but unfortunately you can't...

But  i know i will survive in this >:D 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

night night zzzzZZZzz




this is my breakfast :D i miss this one! this is one of my favorite cake from a store in Philippines. They call it Braso De Mercedes ( i'm not sure of the spelling :DD) one of my mom's friend made it and it was so YUMMY! 

it doesn't look so yummy but t really taste good >:D

Monday, August 1, 2011