Saturday, August 27, 2011

just got home :D

it was very fun :D i was kinda crazy cause i like to take so many pictures of everything first i saw a member of the transformers xDD THE MAIN CHARACTER!! OPTIMUS PRIME! (of Sweden) and then when we got to the place i saw so many dogs and i like to take pictures of them all!! they are so cute but i was so shy to ask their owners if i can take a picture of them and then later i ate ice cream and then my shyness was out of me so i grab my mom and ask the ice cream man if i can take a picture if him.. so i made it and then there were also some guys who played hand drums they were so cool so i took a video if them and in the end i took a picture of him with me.. all food and drinks were free so i took home 2 drinks, burger and some sweets ha ha i was fun :D 

here are some pictures for today  :D

yeah i became a holder.. -.-

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