Thursday, March 28, 2013

Happier than before..

This might be rude but you know what i am happier now cause the hurt is all gone and i am FREE!! from responsibilities with you, free from you, free from drama, free from pain I can do whatever i like whether you like it or not and i can go anywhere i want without you knowing every details i have done and even the person i was with cause you have your life seperated with me.. sad to say but we live again in a different world.. but thanks to you cause i felt the feeling of falling in love with someone that you gave everything just for him.. and thanks also to you cause i have learned my lesson :)

Monday, March 25, 2013


My transformation xD

better than the first..

so lately i was thinking of decorating my room wih more things cause my room right now is so plain.. the first plan was putting some frames or just anything on walls just there are so boring looking like walls they are just white so i decided to to like this..

pretty nice right??? i have a lot of pictures and i don't have any photo album to put them in so why not hang them on the wall like this so that everyone who comes to my room will see them.. but one problem is the wall  i am planning on putting them is a cement wall!! so it is really hard to put a hole on the wall so the plan A didn't work so well.. But last saturday i got this idea why not put the pictures directly on the wall?? so this what it became on my wall!!

now it is not so plain white! there are pictures!! ha ha but it was not really nice than the first plan i was thinking but ah! that's enough for now :) just to put something nice on my wall..

trying to persuade me..

They really want me to go to their university! last time i got to catalog about their programs and this time i got a fish-shape thing to prevent my earphones to get tangle.. it was actually really nice of them and think if they will send it to every students ha ha so generous of them ;D

now i'm happy

and that is what matters

Monday, March 18, 2013


YES! I've been to Turkey last week!! sorry i haven't updated you guys but i was so excited that i forgot to inform you about it and i was also busy because i kinda worked the week before i go to turkey so i was really busy to update you so as a payback here are some picture from the week i was in turkey! :)

Friday, March 1, 2013

which of which

Tattoo or piercing?? or BOTH!


keep believing in yourself and everything will just turn out right.. you don't have to carry all of the burden by yourself because you have your family and your dearest friends by your side who i am sure that are just waiting for you to ask for some support.. In the end of the day they will have your back no matter what cause they will just keep on supporting you.. you don't need to feel alone cause your not.. just keep pushing yourself at the top until you reached what you really desires.. you might fail this time but don't worry there is always a second chance coming a better one :) so don't be disappointed and look at the positive side of it instead..

- what i have learned