Monday, March 25, 2013

better than the first..

so lately i was thinking of decorating my room wih more things cause my room right now is so plain.. the first plan was putting some frames or just anything on walls just there are so boring looking like walls they are just white so i decided to to like this..

pretty nice right??? i have a lot of pictures and i don't have any photo album to put them in so why not hang them on the wall like this so that everyone who comes to my room will see them.. but one problem is the wall  i am planning on putting them is a cement wall!! so it is really hard to put a hole on the wall so the plan A didn't work so well.. But last saturday i got this idea why not put the pictures directly on the wall?? so this what it became on my wall!!

now it is not so plain white! there are pictures!! ha ha but it was not really nice than the first plan i was thinking but ah! that's enough for now :) just to put something nice on my wall..

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