Friday, May 31, 2013

Have you been there.. tell me everything about it..

why is this happening? well i don't know either that's why i am asking you.. cause i really don't have any ideas how this can be like this.. but i guess you can't really avoid it.. i guess it's just normal.. i have this friend of mine that once said that maybe blogs are made to express your feelings without being judge for it.. well right now i think my friend have a right with it.. cause right now that is what i am writing about.. I know you don't have any idea what am i writing about now but believe me i can't either explain it.. cause i never felt like this before... but did you felt sometime in your life maybe once that you can be really helpless at some point.. like you can't do anything cause things are just getting out of your hand.. and then after that feelings.. you will feel unworthy.. i don't know. honestly i don't know.. why do we have feelings? Just sometime in your life everything was perfect as i can't never imagine.. everything was in place everything was in order.. but just like as a struck of the thunder everything was  destroyed.. everything it touched and make things sad and dull and tears flow and smiles fade away just in a blick of an eye.. just like that..

don't expect anyone will help you to raide up again cause you don't know when they will come.. you need to climb up again in your feet on your own and find something to feel you more worthy.. cause i am sure you are worthy as everyone else but sometimes you just can't prevent things from happening that will make you alone, sad, and even felt like you've done your best but still not enough, you feel like giving up.. you feel helpless..

Dream it away... Sleep it away... and Hope everything will be alright again tomorrow and everything will just fade away cause as other said tomorrow is another day.. but is it really another day or will it be like this day??.. Well it will be you who will decide on that noone else.. you just need to believe in yourself you are worthy..

is this really for YOU or is this really for I, myself... Well i guess it's for me...

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