Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Im almost done!!!

WOOHOO! i'm almost done doing my pyschology!!!! feels so good the only thing i need to do is the bibliography!!! and after that im done!!! i just finish it today!!! so i will not be needing to work so hard tomorrow and on friday which is the last day to submit it!!! BUT there is still one problem which i need to do and that is my SPANISH homework... yeah i have spanish and i kinda hate it this year i liked spanish last year cause i was enjoying it and i had a very good teacher but now..... well i will not say something about it cause that will not be good i will just leave it like that hahaahha i'm just not enjoying spanish this year... so i'm so lazy and don't like doing it... right now i'm kinda thinking of maybe i will jsut drop the spanish cause i dont want to get a low grade cause i just dont feel spanish this year.... but im also thinking about the points of it... well WHATEVER! we'll see what will happen hahaaha....

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