Sunday, November 6, 2011

such a weird dream!

morning everyone! it's the last day of my break! hmm shall i feel happy or sad about it.. well i kinda feel happy cause i want to go to school and work! not typical me ha ha kinda sad cause i need to wake up early again and stress days are back but whatever sometimes i enjoy stress days than doing nothing.. 

i woke up 7.00 am cause i was having a dream that im not sure if i really want to continue it.. it was so weird and i don't know how shall i react on this one... and last 2 months we were just talking about dreams on our pyschology class and they said that dreams have meanings behind it... all the things which were on the background of the dream is the one which means something but it was not so easy to remember the things which were on the background... i just remember the things which were clear.. 

i was so sleepy so i take a nap again and woke up again 9.00 am cause my dream continued!! well it dont literally continued but it was the same person and he was showing the same feeling he has shown on my first dream... it was on a different situation... SO WEIRD! well by the way have a good day everyone!

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