Friday, December 30, 2011




hi guys!! how is your day going mine is kinda boring.. im right here in my mom's friend just chilling doing nothing... tomorrow we will have a party which i talked about last wed. remember the gmae thing that i was planning for them i still don't know if they will let me do it ha ha but WHATEVER!! im bored and i can't think of something that will make my time much fun ha ha maybe facebook?? MAYBE!! OR NOT!! idk lol but yeah .............

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

winter means snow


it doesn't feels like winter at all.. i dont like the weather one day it will snow and then the other day it will rain so the snow will be gone... let the snow stay now!! it's not winter without snow .... specially here in sweden...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

mall again :D

just got home for mall me and my mom bought some last hour gifts for the new year party we will have on dec. 30 in my mom's friends house there will be some exchange gifts and some gift raffles and i was also suggesting to have some games for them to make it more fun and livelier. i alreadt though of some games that are fun and will perfectly fit the players ha ha but will see... 

i also bought some things like a new wallet.. i've been longing to change my wallet but i dont want to spend so much on  it and a while ago i found this very nice wallet.. it's simple, color is dark blue and i like it it does'nt cost so much so bought it.. so happy with it.. and then i also bought some leggings cause i usually wear only leggings on winter cause it easy to wear and i can match many clothes on it :D

so yeah now im so tired so imma go rest now :DD hope you guys had a very nice day :P

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

i want like this one!

i want to have like those but i must take care of my hair so i will not be neding to cut is short cause it was destroyed !

Thursday, December 22, 2011


 i was longing to have a break from school haha feels so good having it haha 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

new hairstyle!

i was so tired already with my very long hair so i decided to cut it for once and for all.. so we went to one of my mom's friend who is talented on cutting hairs.. well all i can say is she is good on cutting short hairs cause my mom's wish was cutting her hair short and she got ti excatly as the picture she showed to her friend but for me i wanted to not to cut it so short but in the end it became short and i was kinda sad about it but after a few minutes i was satisfied of it cause i realize it will grow fast and my hair was not also on a good shape so i think it was a good way to cut it a little short.. i haven't got a pic of it which is not so good... i am lazy on taking pictures haha... but one day i will take a pictures of it ha ha soon promise lol  :P

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

one more thing..


here is another thing i remember what i have done for the past month i was not blogging and it was party!! we had a party with my filipino friends! it was so much fun there was different shows they performed there were singing, dancing, modeling and so much more... in the end we had our mini disco time ifcourse it will always be one in a party even if that was not part of the program but we made it ourselves by just playing something from our own playlist and tada!! DISCO! hahaha i haven't got some pictures cause i was focused on watching the program and busy eating ha ha i missed the foods in philippines :P so no pictures for now but i will try to find some from my friends or maybe from my mom ( who loves taking pictures )..

Monday, December 19, 2011

it goes on


In dreams and In love there are no impossibilities!


Sunday, December 18, 2011


Nov.25 2011 i remrber that we went to hockey it was my second time that watched ice hockey since the first time i watch hockey i fell inlove on watching it even not so many like it cause some scenes are wild like they usually punch each other nut i kinda like it ha ha now i feel like i sounds boyish ha ha i love cheering for them!! it was nerve racking when you know the team you are supporting is kinda losing and you can see that some of the players and ofcourse the audience are losing hope! i dislike it.. it happened actually this time but we survive and WON!! ha ha enough of talking.. here are some pictures taken from the play by my phone.. so the quality is not that good shape ha ha sotty for it.. 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

feet hurts but it's worth it!

so we just got home!! finally hahaha my feet really hurts but i like shopping and looking around the weather is not so bad but i hate it when the road id wet and somethimes it is so slippery!! we walked outside to a store who were very far!! and the road is so slippery and wet!! hate it.. 

well.... we've been very good today cause we bought some gifts in a very low price which is very good cause we're short in money haha anyways the stores are far from each other so we walked on the road and outside which were very cold.... 

WHAT'S THE WRONG WITH ME!! i kept on repeating my hateness on the road hahaha well yeah we bought some gifts for my fathers grandchildren and then bought also some food... i was planning on buying today a present for my friend but we haven't got so many time to look at it so i think i will be going again to the mall and look for a gift cause nxt week is the end of the school and i need to give it to her on wednesday.... so literally i have no time now to chill i must hurry!! 

now im rellay tired now so i think i sleep now see yah guys! :D

mall time!

hi everybody!! yes im here haha i just woke up i was planning on waking up little more earlier but it it saturday so i just woke up.. i thought of going to the mall early so i can avoid so much people and i was planning i was going by myself but none of it happened.. i woke up 12 and i am going with my mom and my little brother to the mall hahaha well byt the way i still havent found some pictures that i took from the past month i was not here...

i also need to kinda ''FLASHBACK'' to remeber the interesting things i made and experince well i think there are a couple of things which were interesting like hmmmm.. yeah!! watching hockey hahaha and having some party!!

now i remember some happenings haha whoa!! i better move my ass now cause time is running leaving me!!

see yah later :D

im stuck with it

turn it up and play it all night long!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

ok now im bad ...

i'm really sorry i was not here for a month cause i was really busy in school and i havent got time to write here... so i feel so bad cause i promise to be updating everyday... but i can't just prevent it... im sorry gain but i will really try to pst some things i have done this past month i was not here... if i have some pictures also i can also put them here...

now that christmas is coming... i got busy also cause i was the one who packed all the gifts that my family is planning to give to others well by the way tomorrow i will be planning to spend my day in the mall cause i need to buy a present... soo i will really try my best to put som updates and som pictures..