Thursday, July 19, 2012

been away but never been gone ;DD

opss.. im back again.. so i guess i can keep on my blogg all the time but i may have been away but never ever will disappear ;DD so this time we had a problem with our internet connection cause as you all know we just move in to another place which is better than the last place we've stayed so yeah it took such time to fix everything but all is coming to place now and i will be posting again.. and i have with me some pictures during the time we were moving... the place we are staying right now is still not done.. the wallpapers are still need to change and i can say it will take time cause almost all are on their own semester so nobody is available on changing the walllpapers but i hope they can fixed it soon as possible ;DD

i will also post some picturres of the place we are living in right now but i will wait first until our place is presentable ;DD so stay tune with that one but at the mean time i will just keep on posting some random stuffs or what i call whateverstuffs from right on.. ok i will now promise this time i can post everyday but atleast i will post some sooo yeah! 

hope you are having a nice summer better enjoy it now cause school is coming very soon ;DD

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