Friday, July 20, 2012

You just need to use it...

What is the use of authority if you will not use it?? Ofcourse that is the main point of having authority you have to use it or else it will be meaningless to have power over something.... ok.. don't get me wrong with this one i was not talking about politics cause that is a whole different world than the authority we have on different houses.. When i said authority the first thing that pops out on my mind is the power of COMMAND.. On every house there always someone who have the power of commanding somebody else.. it can be your older sister,your younger brother, father, mother and whoever is powerfull in your house.. i know that it is not bad at all to have the power of the authority have and it is not bad at all also to use it.. but the thing where it gets bad or annoying is when the authority use his/her power in a way that is not fair to everyone.. yeah i know it's hard to be fair to be everyone but to cut the story short... Authority is not bad at all but why do you need to command it to others or ask another one to do it for you  if you know that you can do it yourself??  

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