Friday, October 26, 2012


Like a circle

You treat me like i am someone special but am i really special to you? You treat me so kind, You care about me so much which make things really confusing and scary. I can say that it beats the hell out me. I don't like clear feelings coming from a person. A person who maybe don't know either how he should feel for me.

We maybe both are not sure how we should treat each other. I can't blame him for that cause i am also confused about this thing we have. Do we really have a thing for each other or not? The short version is I don' know!

Am i making him also confused? What if i make him also confused so that he acts confused. You maybe feel also confused now.. It's like a cycle of confusion.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Just go with the flow

After what happen i just find myself going back to you. Even we went through a lot.. I should not be talking to you for my sake or for the sake of both of us..  But right now i don't care about the past the important thing is RIGHT NOW!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

should i or should i not

I am sure than you have exprience something like sitting with a couple and you know that they are having a fight or a serious conversation and then they sant speak freely they like because i am there or just someone is there. This morning i sat with a couple i know that they are having a little fight about something.. i can sense it.. i mean in the air of their conversation. and i didn't mean to overheard what they were talking about but yeah i heard somthings so i can say that they are having a little fight maybe a misunderstanding or something.. so here is the dilemma!

What should i do if something like that happen again?

Should i just ignore it and pretend not to pay attention to what they are talking about.
Should i leave without saying anything and respect their privacy.
Should i leave saying a excuse just to leave them alone to have a chat, to give them privacy
Should i stay??

What should I ??

Friday, October 19, 2012

The truth

December 11, 2012 I will be going home to my homeland Philippines. Right now I am kinda stress and excited and nervous. Stress because i know there are a lot i need to do before i go to Philippines. I need to buy some stuffs to bring with me for my relatives, I need to have a plan of my time in Philippines cause i don't want to waste some time there. Everything must be clear for me before i go there and everything will just be a disaster. Excited cause it's been 4 years..  MY FRIENDS! MY RELAVITES! just thinking about them makes my stomach turn upside down. But nervousness will always be there.

I am traveling alone which is the first time for me. I mean traveling via airplane alone. There will be 2stops that i need to change airplanes. First is in Amsterdam then in China and then Philippines. But i know it will be ok! ofcourse I CAN!

I am also nervous meeting my friends again.. maybe you think i am really weird now but i was thinking Sweden and Philippines are really different from each other. It's like they are in the both ends of the world. I don't know if i change that fast that me and friends will not agree on things or make jokes like before and laugh together. I am sure they will have conversations i have no idea about or the worst is i will be talking about something and then they will not get a thing because i was talking so weird. Or maybe i didn't grew and my friends just left me. What if they are already mature while i am still stuck??



Thursday, October 18, 2012

always will be

Where do i start?? I know what i want to say but i just don't know how.. how to begin and how to express it in a way that you will not misunderstand what i meant by it. I guess i just want to write something... just something to write about.. it doesn't need to be meaningfull. It's enough just being like that.

Well i guess, i just want to say that i am happy right now that i don't know what to write, which one i will write about cause there are so many things that are good.. They are overflowing. And i just want to share it with you but which one? Which one is that one that i can share to you so that you can also be happy.. I am sure there is someone who can make you laugh without any effort given.. they are the best thing you have.

Ok now! I don't only mean your boyfriends or your girlfriends. I just mean someone or somebody close to you.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Just don't

Keep it and treasure it

You must remember all the things you have learned maybe you feel it's reckless and you feel like you are wasting your time in this things today but you will be thankful in the future for the times you spent sitting on a boring classroom.

I am at school again and i just felt so proud of myself right now.. i just know i can do it by myself without the help of others but i just don't dare to do it alone so this morning i tried to do it by myself i survived! and i felt really happy.. very proud and plus i was wondering what if this can help me to have a jobb in the future cause i enjoy making it actually now that i know i can do it by myself :) 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


WOW!! IT WORKED! yeah i am at school right now and i am at blogger YES! it worked on my new laptop! how happy i became right now!! wiihhoooo!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

opss si dop siii...

Been long time away cause we got a problem with our connection at home.. for almost 2 months we were just using some hotspot internet from my brother's cellphone so i can't make some pot cause i can't open my blogg even when i am at school i can't even open it cause there is no google chrome and in some weird way i can't open my blogg.. well enough of explanation i am back but as always i can't still promise i will be posting  everyday but i'll try my best ;D