Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The forbidden love

Where does love have it's boundaries?? or are there even some boundaries?? Honestly i don't know.. i am kinda confused actually.. I have this freind of mine who have this forbidden love.. well they call it forbidden love because it's a taboo. I know my friend is happy even though their love is a taboo. One day this friend of mine opened up to me.. he just opened up to me i was kinsa shocked but i was very happy that he opened up to me cause that means he trusts me. But anyways he told mme that he loves someone but it's taboo. For me i never considered that their love was a taboo but maybe for the eyes of the others it's bad. My friend told me that they are already together even if there maybe are a lot who is against it. But honestly i was thinking who cares.. Unfortunately there are still some who really cares about other people bussiness. Their relationship was a secret which is unfortunate. I can see that my friend is currently happy and i am honestly very happy for him cause he finally found himself where he can be himself. That's good right..

Even my friends parents don't know about their relationship because my friend knows that they will be against it. Which I kinda both understand  it and don't it. I understand that they want the best for their son. They want a normal life for him. But does having a normal life will makes him happy? Can they gurantee that their son will be happy? Shall we listen to "MOM always knows best"? I know that there are some circumtances that they really know the best for us cause they've been there.. but that doesn't mean either that they will be the one who always will be deciding for you. Sometimes you just need to take risk for your own good. It's your own life. You will be the one living it not them.

My friend asked me for some advice. And this is only advice i gave: "As long as you are happy and sure with your decision then go for it. Fight for it cause we never know it might work out and your parents might accept that it's ok. As long as you feel loved and happy my friend. Just be strong because every decision you make have consequences.. whether it will be good or not you have to stand proud you are the one drawing your own life not someone else."

I might have said the wrong things to my friend but that is point of view and I might see this subject in a very small perspective but I really think that some forbidden loves called taboo just because of how the society sees it.

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