Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I need it too..

Why am I the only one who can't be angry?? Why am I the only one who always stops the angriness? Don't i have the right to be angry? just sometimes.. please let me be angry cause everytime I want to be angry i ended up being the peace maker and keeping my angriness inside until i burst out in tears.. Did you know that sometimes i also wanted to shout.. I wanted to shout but guess what i am the one stoping everyone from shouting.. And by doing my job i can't shout cause me shouting at them will just cause more problems and the problem will never be solved.. Sometimes i just need to shout and be angry cause it's hard to keep everything inside and wait until i burst out of tears... I want to hear my voice shouting and angry..

You may not believe this but I can't remember the last time i shouted because i was angry..

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