Thursday, June 28, 2012

morning folks!

boxes are everywhere clothes are like mountains, then comes MS.IRRITATION! and then comes MR.STRESS which means WAR AT HOME!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

dinner is up!

have a good evening everyone!

can't get enough of it

sooo yummyyy they call it here in sweden SMÖRGÅSTÅRTA!!!!

you just have to be you


what was i doing??

I don't know.. it feels that days go so fast but at the same time it's not.. ahh i don't know.. well as i promised i will keep you updated on what was i doing this past 3 weeks i was not here... first i was on a baptismal day of a very cute baby ;DDD and that same day my classmates got a class party but unfortunately i was not there.. but as i heard it doesn't went well dont know what went wrong cause i taught many will come cause almost everyone is energetic about the class party but yeahh.. you'll never know.. and then this month also my brother celebrated his birthday and got a very suitable cake for him!! hohoho i will post a picture at the end of this post ;DD we've been on our summer house for a couple of days so i got a chance to train mt driving skills hoho!! if i will judge myself... im getting better!! -.-' or not?? LOL on the midsummer i spent it with my dear friend Albina who saved me from celebrating my midsummer with a bunch of people i barely know -.-' so yeah she saved me! she always does ;DDD that day there ware no busses so me and my brother walked from sörberge to timrå ;DD it was not far as i thought... all stores are also half day and we must buy some charcoal because we planned on a barbeque but guess whattt!!!! we did'nt make it to the store one the right time so.. became no barbeque but!! still got a very delicious food ;DD and then we watched AVENGERS and some random videos... that days was really nice.. 

we went also to dollar store which is one of my favorite store!! hohohho wanna know why?? well who doesn't love low prizes!! omg they have very low prizes in dollar store they have the same products you can see on a ordinary store but difference is they got more good prizes ;DD so i bought some things there for my girly things ;DD what else?? hmmm i can't remember anything more.. ahh i will post again if i remember something i missed ;DD

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

im still breathing..

hohoho been a long time i posted here but tomorrow i promise to published some things and i will keep you updated ;DD

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

i have my reasons..

sorry for not updating again i was busy this past couple of days but soon i will be back in track again soooo.... don't yah worry ;DD

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

she and i are totally DIFFERENT!

you know what is the most irratating thing in this world is people keep comparing you to another person which is like the difference is world apart.. they keep you coomaring to someone is you know more smarter, prettier, sexier, like she have everything!!!  FOR GODS SAKE! can you please stop it.. cause it is so tiring.. what do you think do that to me?? you think it made me more happier.. and become more dedicate on becoming that girl you want me to be... I AM NOT HER! what can i do.. sorry if i can't be like her.. which maybe or for sure you want me to be.. 

just keep it going...



Monday, June 11, 2012


just got home!! and IT IS OFFICIALLY SCHOOL BREAK!!! omg finally! but... i still got a meeting this coming thursday about a project in school.. honestly i am very excited with this project and at the same time i feel kinda stress cause there are a lot of work to do but i love busy days!! it's worthy at the end of the day and PLUS it is a life experience so WHY NOT!!
got my grades and i can say... i was not so happy about it.. well i was never satisfied with my grades even some people told me they were good... but ahhh whatever LOL...

busy days..

hi again .. -.-' it's me!! eh?? ok.. o.o' LOL WHATEVAH!

so i did not blogg last saturday cause i was ''kinda'' busy cause that day i became a godmother to a very very cute baby girl name Linnèa so yeah i was there almost whole day so tiring.. my arms still hurts cause i was carrying her most of the time cause she doesn't want everyone carrying her.. she is kinda choosy i can say (well almost all babies are like that if they don't know the person).. so yeah after we went home i was so tired that i fell asleep so easy.. hohoho

and then yesterday.. i woke up around 6 o'clock hohoho run and walk a 2500m road :DD i can say it was so refreshing after running.. i was with my mom BUT this time i ran and she walked (so slow hihihi)and then i cleaned my room and lastly just rest cause honestly my ARMS STILL HURTS!!! up to this moment -.-'' 

Friday, June 8, 2012

It will be okay!

think about it! hohoho everything will be alright i know you can do it.. so don't stress yourself so much cause you will get ugly   hohohoho!! naahhh just joking lol
 (well stress can acutally make you ugly ) well ofcourse not all kind stress can make you ugly there is also stress that is good ;DD  

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Enjoy it while you can..

THIS IS SUPER DUPER DELICIOUS!!! ;DD bought it in WILLYS and all i can say is ME GUSTA! my mom said i like a child -.-' BUT i am still a child am i??? ;DD 

You'll never know

so.... just got home ;DD and just what????!!! I GOT IT!!


i bought also some more stuffs for example a heat protection spray to prevent hair damage ;D so all i need is a long hair and practice and my goal is not far from happening weehoooo!! so excited 

one step at a time

why not??

It's been a long time i wanted to have a curling iron but i can't decide which one i want.. cause there are a lot of types of curling irons... so i looked to the website of one of the stores and then i found this one!! and i thought this is PERFECT! i want this one cause the tip is changeable and i it almost all around this curling iron's name is Philips Multistyler HP4698/22 this doesn't cost so much either.. so this is one step before i can reach my goal ;DD remember my goal??? hohohohoho

National Day

It's Sweden's National Day.. weehoo!! 

google has this theme today ;DD kinda cool

Originally we supposed to be on our summer house enjoying the wonderful weather today BUT! mom don't like to go to our summer house.. she change mind so easy.. so we will be staying here and maybe go to the mall... i want to go to the city but at the same time my mom wants to go to BIRSTA CITY.. and ofcourse...she wants me as her company.. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Starstruck -.-'


For the past weeks i saw this guy in my school... i think he is the same year as mine... i thought to myself that he really have a look-a-like in one of the hollywood stars but i don't remember the name(really bad at remembering names -.-' ) of this actor cause the only thing i can remember is one of his film i recently saw and that is DRIVE.. but i completely forgot the main actor of that film so i searched it at once which was he in that film... and the main actor is RYAN GOSLING! maybe all of you saw my ealier post about some guys i adore and one of them is HIM!!! ok now! don't think that i also adore the guy on my school cause I DON'T.. eventhough he looks like ryan gosling the real thing is still different from the guy at school... xDD i don't even know the name of the guy in school so.. yeah i will stick with ryan gosling LOL.. 

thats not all one of my friend also saw a look-a-like of ASHTON KUTCHER he is a buss driver i dont see he so often cause i don't ride buss everyday haha but i saw him once and i can say he have some features of ashton kutcher's face haha especially in this picture...


all i can say is LOVE! omg i also want to have nail polish the same as this one <3 silvver is what u want right now!

Mission Failed

It's was not easy as i thought.. as i mentioned earlier in my post i was planning to make my blogg much moe livelier, fun and cute unfortunatelly i failed.. yeah.. my blogg wil still be plain.. my plan was putting some emoticons in my posts to make it livelier.. the first time i tried it the results are like this >>>>> at first there were no problems about the animations but... i don't like the white background.. so i tried removing the white background but after i have done that the animations are not working... :((( i thought it will be easy but it wasn't BUT i will try it again.. and hopefully will success.. i was also thinking of putting some more cool stuffs here in my blogg but let's see ;DD THEY ARE SO CUTE SO I WILL SURE TRY IT AGAIN ;DDD


Monday, June 4, 2012


I want my blogg to be cute and a liitle bit of fun so i have a project hohoho TO MAKE MY BLOGG MORE FUN AND CREATIVE.... hope it will work out.. 

There's always someone changing

Finally, my blogg have a new face.. it's not so pretty but i like it a lot than my old one.. i was a good idea changing everything.. from my title to the comment section.. yeah i change the title from JUST REALIZE IT to WHATEVAHH cause originally this blogg is something that i will write in about some of my random thoughts... this blogg was planned to be a online diary of my inner thoughts but in the end i posted some thoughts of mine but at the same time with some random things for example the guys i adore, the things i bought and many more so i change it to WHATEVAHH cause literally this blogg contains about random posts hohohoho!! i also made some changes in the comment section i put reaction boxes and basically you will just check the boxes which ever you think my post was if it was TJALALALA, EHH??, HOHOHOHO, and WHATEVAHH.. i don't know why i put those reactions but those are almost my daily reactions.. ahhh WHATEVAHHH!! so yeah.... (awkward moment -.-')

I thought there was but there wasn't at all

I was expecting that going to school with nothing to do is kinda fun but i was WRONG! today first day of our last week in school had been very boring execpt for the very YUMMY lunch LOL... anyways as i said we literally done nothing today which is kinda disapponting, boring, fun?? nahhhh...maybe not this day.... but this day is not the worst so i should still be happy cause there are still reasons to be happy and celebrate!
hope you have a great day ;D

morning folks!


some music to start up the day 

Sunday, June 3, 2012


yeah i know my blogg is a mess right now cause i am fixing it i want to have a new design ;DD yeah i know i also need to change my header.. i will also change it ;D


do you know the feeling of waking up in the morning and having the feeling of easinesss, peacefullness, ! omg it's been a long time i have felt like that! i was longing with this feeling.. FINALLY it is school break! we still have 1 week going to school but i am damn sure we sill just be staring with our teacher, taking some coffe (fika in swedish LOL) it is a typical lst week school in sweden but ofc there are some teachers who still wants to give bunch of school works which are not making sense AT ALL!! who want to work in the last week of school??? just dont expect everybody will do it HOHOHO!!


MY FUTURE HAIR ;DD this is my goal! hohohoho!!

i love how the curls looks like i want to have like that curls it's not so curly maybe i should say it is WAVY and CURLY! ahhh you know what i mean -.-' ... i need to practice making like those! ;DD i want my hair to look like theses except the color OFC! LOL xDD 


like this??? ahh lets see ;DD

that's what im talking about!




want to have like a pair of these:((

these are beutiful and a lot already have them but i dont think they will fit perfectly on me ;DD

never had a pair of heels like this i always have wedges.. shall i try to have one?? hohoho