Monday, June 11, 2012

busy days..

hi again .. -.-' it's me!! eh?? ok.. o.o' LOL WHATEVAH!

so i did not blogg last saturday cause i was ''kinda'' busy cause that day i became a godmother to a very very cute baby girl name Linnèa so yeah i was there almost whole day so tiring.. my arms still hurts cause i was carrying her most of the time cause she doesn't want everyone carrying her.. she is kinda choosy i can say (well almost all babies are like that if they don't know the person).. so yeah after we went home i was so tired that i fell asleep so easy.. hohoho

and then yesterday.. i woke up around 6 o'clock hohoho run and walk a 2500m road :DD i can say it was so refreshing after running.. i was with my mom BUT this time i ran and she walked (so slow hihihi)and then i cleaned my room and lastly just rest cause honestly my ARMS STILL HURTS!!! up to this moment -.-'' 

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