Friday, August 31, 2012

just let it go..

There maybe sometime you felt like the whole world is againts you and everything just made your day a mess but you know what, it will come to a point you will be at the top and everyhting will come in order whatever you like thngs should be.. you have to help yourself to stand up again and fight for another day and make everyhting you van to end the day with a smile.. it maybe hard to do it but i know you can do it.. there maybe people who hurts you but you can't let go because they became a part of your life and you never want to give them up but they can't do anything good to you.. they will just hurt you so why keep on holding to them.. there are still billions of people who can make you smile... Let go of the person that makes you sad i know it's hard for some to just gave up but it will be the best for you and you will see in the end you will feel better.. You deserve to be happy and you don't need to feel guilty just because you gave up on somebody. He/She made you cry so he/she don't deserve your best..

Saturday, August 18, 2012

small things do matter

kissing your girlfriend in the forehead is one of the simplest,cutest and sweetest thing you can do to show how you love her.. They call it the comforting kiss. It's a kiss that can put away all of your worries and make all of it vanish in thin air. 

via: strawberry

Friday, August 17, 2012


And so the sunshine came and brought some love


just don't

Worth every tears

Long distance relationships are really hard, point blank. Every night you fall asleep alone, your main communication is over the net, maybe you get to see their face over skype but there is no physical touching involved. You can’t kiss, hug, tickle, tease, or brush pass them as you walk. You can’t feel the warmth of their skin, rub their back before they sleep, or dry their tears as they cry. Long distance sucks. Some nights you just want to get on a plane, in a car, or bus, or even ride camel back to see them. You would do anything in that moment just to hold their hand or feel the warmth of their breath on your neck. When you argue, you cannot comfort each other, you have to learn how to do that with no contact. Make sure they know everything is going to be okay by just your voice. Which means you have to trust this person with every ounce you have. A long distance relationship does not work without that trust, without you knowing that your partner is faithful and I mean TOTALLY knowing, or else you will drive yourself crazy. But believe me, it is all worth it in the end. Sometimes you just cuddle in bed, with the faint glow of the computer screen, and list all the incredible things you guys are going to be able to do once you reunite. How much fun you will have, what you want to cook for each other, what you cannot wait to do with them, or my favorite, describe in detail how incredibly bad you want each other. That first moment when you meet each others lips again, it is all worth it.Long distance might be hard, but you make it so worth it.

via: Sweet Serendipity

Thursday, August 16, 2012

a new chapter

starting all over again.. it's not the end cause there is still no happy ending.. Everyone deserves a happy ending :D we may have different way now to go but let the wind blow and hope our way will cross again

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It doesn't matter


I not being with you is somehow a torture. 

Half alive

I am a cold-hearted girl wanna know why?? ok let's get's started.. 
  • I don't know how to get angry... As far i know and as of now i never ever got angry with someone. Well little irratation but it will only last for a day or more but not more than a week.. It fades really fast. He wants me to get angry at him but how should i do that i f i don't know how to. When should i be angry at a person? Or maybe i just haven't met someone who will push me to the limit and make me burst out of angriness and who will push me pull the trigger.
  • I don't know how to be a sweet girlfriend ... YEAH!!! i am not sweet. The big question is how to be sweet? Many of my friends said that i am sweet but he doesn't feel my sweetness. Maybe i know how to be sweet with my friends but not with my boyfriend. How shall i send my sweetness to a person whom i would really like to feel my sweetness.
  • I am numb! ... When a person is trying to send their feelings towards me, don't expect that i can easily detect it and change my mood according to your mood. Ok don't get me wrong ofcourse i can feel if you are angry or sad if it shows but if you are trying to hide it or let me guess that you are some kind of sad or angry. Another thing is when you are trying to be sweet with me, most of the time i don't get that you are trying to be sweet with me. I am really bad at it.
  • I don't know how to express myself ... 

ENOUGH ABOUT IT! When i woke up the first thing i thought about is to write something in my blogg to just start up the day and as you can see above i had wrote something but it's a dark writing so i decided to erase it but it took a long time for me to choose the right words so i just put a line above the words. Instead i want to start up my day pushing myself up. Let's make this day a beautiful one. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

it will always be you

you just need to smile to hide everything

Why is there feelings like this.. I hate it.. i want this to be over now.. but i dont know how... no matter what i do feelings of saddness comes back and i know it's destroying me but i let it to destroy me.. why am i  letting it cause i dont know how to fight back on this things like sadness. It's so strong that even happiness is not enough to make me smile even for a while..Yes, i smile but is it really a rainbow smile you usually see in me...Smiles sometimes are used to hide everything for the sake of other people.. i dont want to drag everyone else with this one.. Moving on is the key right?? but it is a long way getting there.. let me take baby steps cause right now i don't want the beautiful 1 year 3 months to just turn into memories... i just can't give up on right now. Its been 4 days now.. and since then i feel hunger on my stomach, i'm having nightmares everytime i close my eyes.. worst nightmares i can imagine, and now im sitting here don't know what to do cause my brain is empty right know.. im empty minded girl.. i want to be ok but i don't know how to.. i feel loneliness flowing through my veins and it's eating me.. digesting me really fast.. Already at the begining i told to myself that  i need to be prepare for things like this.. there will always be an ending to thingswhether a happy ending or vice versa.. it's just how things go, you can't just prevent it.. eventhough you never ever want an ending to it.. i was planning on preparing myself  for this but instead i was enjoying every minute of conversation we had.. every seconds we laughed.. and appreciated all the iloveu's we have told to each other.. and now it hurts so much... 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I don't wanna fight no more...

People also get tired of fighting.. why can't we just give each other and take at the same time.. admit your wrong and i'll admit mine.. It's hard to take always the blame over something just to stop the fight... to stop the rain.... i also get tired so tired .. and sometimes i want to just give you up but you know what! I CAN'T!! and that is the worst thing.. i know im tired of it and i have enough but still i can't let go of you.. taking always the blame is one of the worst feelings i had.. it will make you feel worser about yourself.. it feels that im the one who always have the problem.. it's always my fault.... always mine.. i want this to be perfect... but how can i do it if you are not helping me at all. we both are in this together but why do i feel im the only one working this up.... all im asking is can you just please sometimes think about how i feel about taking the blame all the time.. i dont say that you are numb or something just take som consideration about how i feel... i hope you can feel it on how i talk everytime we fight.. can you please just sometimes take the blame and say sorry to me and comfort me cause right now i feel im the worst.. please help me.. we both are on this... cause i don't know how long i can survive with this one..