Friday, August 17, 2012

Worth every tears

Long distance relationships are really hard, point blank. Every night you fall asleep alone, your main communication is over the net, maybe you get to see their face over skype but there is no physical touching involved. You can’t kiss, hug, tickle, tease, or brush pass them as you walk. You can’t feel the warmth of their skin, rub their back before they sleep, or dry their tears as they cry. Long distance sucks. Some nights you just want to get on a plane, in a car, or bus, or even ride camel back to see them. You would do anything in that moment just to hold their hand or feel the warmth of their breath on your neck. When you argue, you cannot comfort each other, you have to learn how to do that with no contact. Make sure they know everything is going to be okay by just your voice. Which means you have to trust this person with every ounce you have. A long distance relationship does not work without that trust, without you knowing that your partner is faithful and I mean TOTALLY knowing, or else you will drive yourself crazy. But believe me, it is all worth it in the end. Sometimes you just cuddle in bed, with the faint glow of the computer screen, and list all the incredible things you guys are going to be able to do once you reunite. How much fun you will have, what you want to cook for each other, what you cannot wait to do with them, or my favorite, describe in detail how incredibly bad you want each other. That first moment when you meet each others lips again, it is all worth it.Long distance might be hard, but you make it so worth it.

via: Sweet Serendipity

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