Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Gotta believe in yourself

Being in-love with someone is a risk but as they said you will never learn things when you don't take risks.

Fights between the two sides can never be avoided.. It's just how things goes. It's a way of knowing each other. Fighting is not a bad thing as long as you finish your day understanding each other. In a realtionship it's more of a give and take. It's not good if it's onle one is giving and the only one is just taking. Your must work with your relationship together cause if only one is showing his/her effort it might not end well cause in some point the one fighting for it will get tired and will just give up giving so much while not receiving anything from the other person. So you have to work together like a team. There maybe some times when things are just getting out of hand. You feel like giving up on the person you love.. Just think for a moment and think over things why you love that person. Don't decide on things while you are angry or sad or disappointed cause in the end you will regret what you have said or decided after the fight. For me the best thing is to cool things out. Shouting at each other will not solve the problem. You will not understand each other cause the only thing running in your mind is you want her/him to undestand your point but the other person wants the same thing.. You are just spitting out words the other person are not willing to listen.. So take a moment and take a breathe. Talk right after the both of you have calm down.

Little technique: I honestly don't know if this will work but i have read in some paper that when you are having a fight and no one wants to give a time for the other person to say his/her side. Do this: Get something that you can use it doesn't matter what thing is it. It will represent that when you are holding it you are the one who will talk and when you are done put it down and let your partner get it and let him/her talk. It's more of showing respect for each other.

This is the hardest part. Let's face the reality. Unfortunately, not all relationships work as you might want it to be. There are not always happily ever after. Sometimes you are just not match for each other or as other calls it "that you are not meant to be". It's just the way it is. Dont push it. If it's not working after all the possible things you have tried saving your realtionship with your partner then it's just the way it is. It may sound bias after I told you not to give up but sometimes you can't just prevent it after the hard work both sides have made.But don't lose hope beliee in yourself that someday there will be someone again who will dearly care for you and truly love you.

Moving on maybe is the hardest part after break- ups. I, myself have been on a break up. This is not to scare you anything but i will really hurt. You will feel so insecure and bad about yourself. You will feel that it maybe the end of it that no one will never love you again the way he/she loved you. It's not true! There will be some for surely who will love you. Your family loves you, your friends. It may not be the love you are searching but accpet the love they are offering to you cause I am sure it will help to earn again the confidence to face the world again. You are not alone. The key about moving on is time. Don't push yourself . When you feel like crying then cry. There is nothing wrong about crying. Feel sad cause it's better to let it all out than keeping it all by yourself. Don't make yourself suffer by not letting it go. Moving on may vary for all of us. It is depending on how you loved the person and how long have you been togehter. But the only thing you can do is let time past, be busy and don't let it consume all of you. You have to move one.

After a strong storm, there will always be a rainbow afterwards which will put hope and a smile on your face.

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