Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I am just a human being.

There is just that time when you will feel really bad about yourself. Like you hate yourself by being you. Why am I not like that, Why I can't do that, Why must I be like this?.. Don't get me wrong, I love myself (that sounded so "EGO"). I appreciate everything I have right now. but honestly speaking..I am not contented with myself, I do have so much flaws. Which they say that those flaws are the one who makes you who you are. But sometimes you just can't be happy about yourself. You will always find something you want to change.. Believe it or not I am currently on that stage.. I want to change and I am working on it, both physically and mentally. And it's really hard but I know it's possible.

Maybe what I just meant is I am currently is on the lowest point. (really a bad thing huh?) I don't have any confidence at all. And I just feel so alone.. Alone in my own world.. No one dares to come inside and join me just for a little while..

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