Sunday, July 31, 2011

again o.O

my mom woke me up so early this morning cause her friend invited us to spent time in their house for a day.. i was planning on just resting today cause i haven't finish my resting time.. but i was forced to woke up.. and then after coming on my mom's friend they was already planning on riding a boat and go to a beach and have some lunch there.. in the ending part was the one i liked most.. the boat was out of gas so we were forced to row the boat.. ofc it was scary but i get over with it xDD 

now i''m home again my powers are so drain now and i really need to go to bed now :) see yah ..
i will put some pictures tom. ;)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

sooo tired..

today was so tiring i was not expecting that the beach we will go was almost in the middle of nowhere.. ofc first timers.. we got lost... we dont have any idea where were we ha ha .... but to cut the story short we found the place.. so tired but it was worthy the beach was so nice :D 

soo..... im so tired so i will go to sleep now have a good night


im done packing my things :) done eating breafast... fixed myself.. ready to go  !!
BUT! buss haven't come....

see yah later :)

Friday, July 29, 2011

tomorrow is swimming day

need to sleep early cause we need to be there early so that we will be the first one to be there :DD 
night everyone!!

btw he was still not online today so i guess he still have problem with the internet .. i miss him so much...

mom is enjoying im having problem

right now, my mom is baking. she learned it from her school ( mom is attending a cooking school cause she wants to become better in cooking) she having good time and i am having problems xDD they smell so good that it is so hard to resist.. i need to resists it cause if i will not i can gain some weight and it will be a problem.. 

btw, im waiting for him to online cause on this time he usually appears online now but he is not.. so maybe he still got some problem in internet. -.- but i hope he will go online today :) 

morning sunshine

have a nice day :D

Thursday, July 28, 2011


yehey!! i feel better now but i still have runny nose but not bad as yesterdays and this morning.. i was pleased that i feel better now :D but he was not online today (well we have talked this morning but not that long) i think he had a problem with the internet AGAIN.... hope i will be fix tomorrow >:D 

shall i go to the mall tomorrow cause i'm really bored :D

<3 heart and brain<3


''Never have i ever wanted someone as bad as I want you''

morning :) still feeling kinda bad... hope i will get better..
<3 heart and brain<3

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


oh yeah!!! i got a new laptop >:D i'm so happy cause i really want a new one cause my old laptop is so small and it's kinda hard on writing in it cause the screen is small... my old laptop was 10.2'' only and now i got 15.6'' screen which is a big difference and the keyboard is kinda big now also so i have little problem... ( poor mme i have small hands to handle a big keyboard...) well it's not such a problem xDD i have just little hard time on typying but after som weeks i will eventually get used to it >:D  and i'm planning on selling my old laptop but i'm still not sure..

right now i'm installing some things i need like antivirus,yahoo messenger and many more programs... so here are a couple of pictures of my old and new laptop... ( sorry for not so good quality of pictures... and the bad way of taking picture..) 

<3 heart and brain <3


i feel bad today.. -.- 

<3 heart and brain<3

Monday, July 25, 2011


today he was not online.. wonder why... well by the way nothing happen to much this day so plain.. so boring.. like my other past days..  by the way me and my brother started excersicing and it went well this time... and we will do it all the way :D 

<3  heart and brain <3 

-.- heart icon is like that cause the buttons are not working idk why ... its not so beautiful....

Sunday, July 24, 2011


me and my brother made a deal that every night we will exercise cause i need to lose weight and he wants to gain muscles so... yeah its a DEAL! 

btw here are some pictures from yesterday baking :DD

♥heart and brain


''I'm selfish i want you to myself, I can't help it''


♥heart and brain♥

Saturday, July 23, 2011


he was online today i really missed him!!! it was 3 days we haven't talked with each other.. today was a great day.. we celebrated his birthday today it was kinda late but as they said better than late than never ... it was so fun many of his friends was there also and we had a great time together. we both have smiles in the face before going to bed.. hope him he have a good night sleep i hope i can lay beside him :DD 

this day also we baked some kanelbullar. we made around 50 pieces of them ha ha. i will  post some pictures tomorrow cause i still don't have the usb for the camera..  so yeah tiday was a great day ha ha .. i am so happy everytime im talking with him... so i guess it will be a good night now :DD 

night. night

♥heart and brain♥

Friday, July 22, 2011

little disappointed..

today is my boyfriends birthday so i was prepared and all was in plan... but guess what!!! he dont go online this day. for the past 2 days he haven't turned online cause he don't have internet connection cause he don't have money.. i reallt miss him so much... he told me that he will be online today but it didn't happen.. well  yeah i just need to wait when he will be online again.. but i really wish him he had a wonderfull day today :D hope he will be online tomorrow :DDD


by the way here is a picture i made for him :P

♥heart and brain♥


''Distance means so little when someone means so much ''

heart and brain♥

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

so tired

today i was at the mall again.. my mom  forcely wake me up this morning cause we will be going in this store in ALNÖ which is far from where we are living now. so i woke up 8 am cause my mom decided on taking early buss so we will be home early... BUT still we came home 4 pm which if you will count the hours it will be 6 hrs. in total of being outside again... well by the way we went on this asian store and i was  so happy cause i really missed the products from Philippines. my mom bought some food seasoning stuffs and  i bought some snacks :DDD i really miss Philippines. 

After that we went to the mall to buy shoes... i was wearing a pair of dollshoes and it hurts so much so i was forced to buy a pair of shoes which is very affordable. they are sneckers type of shoes. the mall is full of temptations but this time i managed to controll myself a little bit which it feels a little bad on not buying the things i really want. 

i need to save money cause one ogf my moms friend is planning on visiting  in Philippines and i'm thinking of going with them. i really want to visit Philippines i miss my friends.... so now i have a reason on saving money :DDD  hope it will be the start of learning to save money for a really big thing and important thing ;D 

♥heart and brain♥


''Guys are like stars..... there are a million of them... but only one can make your dreams come true''

♥heart and brain♥

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


We went again to the mall :D as expected i still can't prevent myself i bought 1 blouse, 1 dress AND!!!! a pair of SHOES!! ( from the list i made ofc. ) finally i bought it yehey!! ha ha well it's not in the top of the list ( i haven't think which is in the top well maybe all of them ) BUT ILOVE THEM!!! 

♥heart and brain♥

Monday, July 18, 2011


I've been so happy this few days i don't know why ha ha i just have this light feeling i have and i just want to listen to music and feel every soong whether it's slow or rap or rnb i'm just happy this past few days the feeling has beed so easy.. i've been talking with my boyfriend and he really makes me very happy and giving me everyday something that just makes me so happy ha ha it's so easy talking with him.. well maybe in short is he is giving me sweet dreams cause he says sweet things before i lay in my bed and made nme think of ot whole night until i fall asleep. 

tomorrow is 19 and it's our monthsary ♥ i just finished talking with him and it end we said to each other that we will sleep early but guess what we haven't cause we have some good time and it is so hard to end it. for me it's a good night now :D 

♥heart and brain♥

Friday, July 15, 2011

shopping is girls exercise

WE spent 6 hrs. in the mall!! well we can call it exercise cause we spent 6 hrs. walking around  the mall ha ha ha it's not that bad.. you just need to control yourself on buying things ha ha ha ( which is i'm having hard time with -.- ) i just can't help it!!! i can't go out of the mall without buying something!! and when i go on a shop i can't help on looking almost on everything -.- but it's so fun spending time in the mall there are so many people and i'm also enjoying looking on them ( what they wear,what face expressions,wondering what are they thinking and many more ) i just love malls!! I LOVE getting tired after a day in a mall :DD 

here are some of the things i bought :P

just can't help it -.-

♥heart and brain♥

Thursday, July 14, 2011

problem with the internet..

internet is running so slow.... BUT lucky me i still can update here ha ha but i can't open my notifications in facebook xD and im geeting piss off with this slow broadband that we have... my mother is stuck with her youtube... (which makes internnet much more slower...) and she is going crazy cause she already waited 5 minutes in a video ( still loading up to this minute ) im tired of waiting so i think i will lay down now on my bed and SLEEP! see you then tomorrow :DD

♥heart and brain♥

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

what to do o.O

my ''boyfriend's'' birthday is coming ( july22) and i still don't know what i will do for his birthday gift. i will admit it im paranoid on the things that im doing for someone. i always think about the future reaction if i will be doing this or that for them. right now i don't know what to do xDD. It feels always that if i'm doing something i want it to be simple and plain but in no time  it becomes super exaggerated and i hate it. it becomes exaggerated cause everytime i'm making something the ideas are kept on coming and everytime they came i kept on adding somethings that were not in the main plan so in the end it becomes catastrofy.

This time i need to prevent my self on messing things up cause i want it to be perfect ha ha. (i just wanted it to be perfect) but the problem is i still don't have a main plan. i'm still on the proccess of making decisions. BUT! i still have 2 days to clear things up ha ha ( is it enough time) maybe you are thinking today is just july 13 but i only got 2 days to prepare the answer is i need time to prepare the whole thing and maybe there's a possibility that i will change my mind on doing it so it will be good if  i have plenty of time to change it xDD

but i really do hope this will end good and he will be happy and contented on what i will do for him :P
( as long as it came from the heart ha ha ha )

♥heart and brain♥

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

i missed my bed!

i was sleeping on the floor for 5 days and now is the day to end it! we're home! i finally can sleep in my bed! good night everyone! 

♥heart and brain♥

Monday, July 11, 2011

i want those -.-

i saw this lollipops on the video of lil wayne ( love his music ) and i want one!! 

here are some of the shoes i want ( this are only few of my list of shoes). actually i can find them here in sweden but the only problem is MONEY! i know that i can buy them one by one but it will take time before i can finish my list of  '' dream shoes''  i want them now! ANYONE??? xDD 


and one of those!!! ♥ ( MUSIC!! <3 )

or this ♥

so many things i want -.-  ( there are more to come for sure )

♥heart and brain ♥

my lullaby

kinda tiring day -.- we fixed so many things and it was so hot in the afternoon... 
and now i'm off to bed ( not really bed i'm sleeping on the floor cause we are still here in our summer house...... i can't sleep so well -.- ) i'm really tired >.< and all i need now to have a good night sleep is my favorite lullaby ♥ 

why is it like that!! i can post video here from youtube but it must be played in youtube -.- so i just put a link above connecting to youtube. i was hoping to put the whole video here -.- grrrr.... well by the way hope you guys have good night :D

heart  and brain♥

Sunday, July 10, 2011

beautiful day

yesterday morning we got some guest here and it was my father's grandchildren. (my father have around 8 grandchildren). they are so cute that i want to pinch them but i can't  :(  they talked so many things about what they have done for the past few days. ( children can remember things even though it happened very long time ago) most of the things that they have told me things that i can't even understand cause they can't still pronounce words clearly cause they were 4 years old but i SURVIVED. The feelings of  childhood is such a good, easy feelings that people just started smiling when they remember their childhood times. I wanna go back for one week in my childhood. 

in the afternoon, i have talked with my ''boyfriend'' ( yeah i have a boyfriend ) he is so sweet and caring guy. he make me laugh almost all the time we talked with each other. He make things that will make me fall more for him. (:P) i love the feeling knowing that someone is caring for you and loving you with all of their heart. He made me really happy yesterday :D

( enough for the boyfriend thing ) Well by the way, here are some pictures :)

(sven and lili)


( with my brother -.- )

( lili)

till tomorrow :D ( will go down now and be a diva -.- )
heart and brain♥

behind those smiles

yesterday, me, my brother and two other friends went to the city just to hang out and have fun and to meet new friends. we had fun but i really dont like how the day ended. ( i was kinda disappointed on what i felt and acted) we met two new friends :D that was fun i like meeting new people specially from other country.(it's so interesting meeting people) it's always fun talking with them.(want to spend more time with them but they cant stay so long cause they lived in a different city which is 1 hr. and 3o mins buss drive). We walked in the city and just talk with each other it was a good time. We had smiles in our face cause we really have a good time and we are having fun. On the way home i accidentally met a weird smile (in a weiird way that something in that smile wants to show happines  or it does really mean something bad.) We can't prevent that someone will hate you or dislike you, i hate the feeling of knowing someone hates you or dislikes you. 

I dont also like being judge beacause of the people around you. They say that they can tell what kind of person of me by the help with my friends which i don't really agree with not all friends have the same attitude or beliefs or  how they act. but many people do that kind of procedure of knowing a person.(which i have a problem with  it now well, it's not with friends actually it's all about family) i know that there are people who dislikes me beacause of my attitude or how i am acting towards them and to other people ( we can't pleased anybody) or they don't dislike me because of rumors that i'm a friend who is not trustworthy. I want to show them that i'm not like that person if they don't want me to try to prove to them how am i as a friend.

i just hated how the day ended yesterday. i thought it will be really a good day but i wasn't. there is always a reason or something behind those smiles so think carefully what were you thinking when you smiled on a person. is it really just a smile to show kindness or something really fishy is inside your head which you are not planning on sayin it out loud cause you don't want to hurt their feelings.


♥heart and brain♥

Friday, July 8, 2011

why do i make a new one?

Hi, it's me ''AGAIN'' but a new one my past blogg was a catastrofy so now i will really try harder to update more (if possible i will post more than one per day :D ) and update everyday. I'm a person who is very lazy in writing and typing but i have some things running in my head everytime ( cause i love watching people) and i don't know how to express them. I can't just tell it to my friend everytime what i feel.Well maybe you are thinking why not write in a diary. (hmm, i have tried it) i doesn't worked also.  I actually dislike diaries cause you need a pen to write on it and you have to stroke every letter beautifully (i don't have a very good handwriting -.- )so you can read it, and i hate it if my pen is out of ink and then i need to find a new pen with the same color so it will not be different from the others( it's so tiring writing on diaries). I think it will be better if i will just write it down here. ( it's faster and i will be skilled in typing in keyboard it will help me to type faster it will be helpfull in school works > :D< that will be a good asset :D)

By the way this blogg will be about random things i see, feel, events and more (i don't know what i'm specially talking about but it will be more stuffs). I will try my best not to be one sided on the things that i will write here and topics i will post cause i don't want anyone to get angry or will get hurt of what i will write here. But as others says you can't prevent someone from hating you or disliking you. i'm making this blogg cause i just want to express what i feel. Hope this will be a good beginning of this blogg cause i got so many ideas about it. (hope i will not be a lazy again updating -.- i will SURVIVE!)

Goodluck to me :D

♥heart and brain ♥