Wednesday, July 13, 2011

what to do o.O

my ''boyfriend's'' birthday is coming ( july22) and i still don't know what i will do for his birthday gift. i will admit it im paranoid on the things that im doing for someone. i always think about the future reaction if i will be doing this or that for them. right now i don't know what to do xDD. It feels always that if i'm doing something i want it to be simple and plain but in no time  it becomes super exaggerated and i hate it. it becomes exaggerated cause everytime i'm making something the ideas are kept on coming and everytime they came i kept on adding somethings that were not in the main plan so in the end it becomes catastrofy.

This time i need to prevent my self on messing things up cause i want it to be perfect ha ha. (i just wanted it to be perfect) but the problem is i still don't have a main plan. i'm still on the proccess of making decisions. BUT! i still have 2 days to clear things up ha ha ( is it enough time) maybe you are thinking today is just july 13 but i only got 2 days to prepare the answer is i need time to prepare the whole thing and maybe there's a possibility that i will change my mind on doing it so it will be good if  i have plenty of time to change it xDD

but i really do hope this will end good and he will be happy and contented on what i will do for him :P
( as long as it came from the heart ha ha ha )

♥heart and brain♥

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