Sunday, July 10, 2011

behind those smiles

yesterday, me, my brother and two other friends went to the city just to hang out and have fun and to meet new friends. we had fun but i really dont like how the day ended. ( i was kinda disappointed on what i felt and acted) we met two new friends :D that was fun i like meeting new people specially from other country.(it's so interesting meeting people) it's always fun talking with them.(want to spend more time with them but they cant stay so long cause they lived in a different city which is 1 hr. and 3o mins buss drive). We walked in the city and just talk with each other it was a good time. We had smiles in our face cause we really have a good time and we are having fun. On the way home i accidentally met a weird smile (in a weiird way that something in that smile wants to show happines  or it does really mean something bad.) We can't prevent that someone will hate you or dislike you, i hate the feeling of knowing someone hates you or dislikes you. 

I dont also like being judge beacause of the people around you. They say that they can tell what kind of person of me by the help with my friends which i don't really agree with not all friends have the same attitude or beliefs or  how they act. but many people do that kind of procedure of knowing a person.(which i have a problem with  it now well, it's not with friends actually it's all about family) i know that there are people who dislikes me beacause of my attitude or how i am acting towards them and to other people ( we can't pleased anybody) or they don't dislike me because of rumors that i'm a friend who is not trustworthy. I want to show them that i'm not like that person if they don't want me to try to prove to them how am i as a friend.

i just hated how the day ended yesterday. i thought it will be really a good day but i wasn't. there is always a reason or something behind those smiles so think carefully what were you thinking when you smiled on a person. is it really just a smile to show kindness or something really fishy is inside your head which you are not planning on sayin it out loud cause you don't want to hurt their feelings.


♥heart and brain♥

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