Thursday, November 8, 2012

am i running too slow?

What will i be doing after 10 yrs from now?? Well on that time i will already be 29  yrs old! OMG! Honestly i haven't though that long i have though of 5 yrs from now but not 10. Well anyways my answer will probably be that i am in some other land and discovering new things, just enjoying my life. I want to travel around the world and learn different stuffs but why i feel like i am really planning so slow.. For some they are already planning to have a family.. well they have their own boyfriends so maybe it is natural to think like that.. but 29 yrs old.. is it the right age to think about family or it is to late to have a family.. Well one thing i am sure is that i want to travel around the world try new things whether i am with my boyfriend, or fiance, or husband or my own family, or my friends or me alone..

I guess i am just not ready to think about that long future ahead of me. That is a long time and let's take baby steps and enjoy every second of the present.

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