Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Learning to be.

I've always been the one who wants to talk.. I want to be the one who catch all the attention among my friends.. Yeah, sometimes that's me. I am not saying that I'm like that all the time. Or maybe my friends doesn't even notice me being so self-centered. Or maybe they just don't think I am that kind of person. Sometimes I just can hear myself taking to much. Talking about the most random things and not giving chance for my friend to talk about his/her opinion or story. "Friendly Conversations" are the one I mean. Or just a simple conversation with someone I am close with. That part of me usually comes out when we are only two talking with each other. I end up talking all day about myself, opening too much and not knowing anything about the person I am having conversation with. So bad.

I'm learning. Believe me. But this is hard. It's hard for me stop myself from talking too much. I started practicing being a listener not the talker. It's just hard to not to interupt them. In such a short time I learned so much, by just listening to people voices, listen to their opinions. It made a really big difference about how I look at them. Not in a bad way but instead in a good way. I learned who they are, as a person, as a friend, as a sister/brother, as a daugther/son, and even as a mother/father. I know listening to others opinions might be irritating specially when you have the opposite sight of it. You can't blame them, You can't blame anyone actually. You might meet a person who you think is close-minded, you can't just hate them by that. Experiences is the key. All of us had different experiences and has different point of view in this world. All you have to do is accept it. To respect others and learn from them instead of dissing.

Learn how to listen to others.

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