Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Understand your worth. Value your life. Appreciate your blessings.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Don't lose it.

You are my sunshine..

Let's stop this together.

Make a difference.

Can you please just stop!!

Ok!! here is the deal. When you drink too much ( I mean alcoholic beverages) don't expect to be so lively like you were before you drunk so much. There is this word called HANGOVER. And that is what you will be facing first thing in the morning. There are some who don't get hangover the day after. Wonder why? Well the answer is so easy either they just don't get hangover or they do some tricks/methods/preparations to just don't get hangover afterwards. WATER! yes water can prevent hangover. Drink water before drinking alcohol, you can also drink water along with alcohol beverages and even before going to bed. I know it's kinda hard to keep track of drinking water but trust me it really helps.

Why am I talking about this?? I sat with this guy this morning and all he talked about is that he wasn't available last monday. His reason.. CAUSE I HAVE HANGOVER! Well it's your responsibility. You are a grown up man! So stop whinning that you got a severe headache the day after. Don't complain cause it's your own fault. If you don't want to feel like S*** afterwatds well don't drink then! You a big man now you must know your actions. And can you please stop blaming one of your friends/ drinking mates. "OHH it's not my fault cause my friends don't want me to go home so I was force to stay and drink a little more" COME ON! like really??? that's your reason?? sorry to say this but that's so childish of you.. Did your friends tied you up so that you can't go?? I guess not. As I said Your actions, Your choice, Your responsiblity.

Or just stop whinning about it.. Cause all I hear is you telling in details how you threw up and how you felt the day after. Act like a man! It's your actions.

OHH don't get me wrong here  now.. There is no wrong with drinking a lot and having fun. What I mean is stop whinning the day after. That's all...

Nothing is wrong with that..

Accepting some compliments can be overwhelming... Don't worry i get it. I do get overwhelmed too. Specially when you don't often receive compliments by the same people. You might feel that you don't deserve such compliments.. But trust me you deserve it cause that person will not say such beautiful words to you if they don't mean it. Saying compliments are not easy than it may sounds. Beleive it or nor but there are some who feels uncomfortable saying those words. It's not that they don't mean it but it's maybe more of like having hard time expressing it/saying it. It may take some courage to say it out loud. Trust me it does. To be honest I am one those who sometimes have hard time to say compliments. My explanation.. hmm well sometimes it's just too uncomfortable saying it out loud specially in front of that person, face to face.

I am that person who is afraid to gives out some compliments. Firstly, I don't know who to react afterwards. I just can't act normally. I feel so shy after. I don't know why. Secondly, I am afraid of giving compliments then receiving compliments too from that person. I just don't kow how to react when someone do that to you. Of course you will say thank you then what?? Will you just change the subject just to get that awkwardness in the air??

I am also that person who sometimes feels that I don't deserve such a beautiful compliments. Why? hmm. I just don't see/feel that I am that kind of person who have such qualities under my skin. But i guess sometimes we need to feel that someone appreciates us. And can see who truly the good side of us. You deserve a little bit of positivesness in your life my friend. So accept it. Feel good about yourself and remember not to put yourself to low from the others. You are unique in your own way. There is only one YOU in this world.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My role.

Big sister.. That's me. 

According to them..
I must know everything.
I need to always watch over my lil brother
I must be doing the right thing everytime. (No room for mistakes)
I need to guide my my lil brother.
I must do the right decisions.
I am the responsible. (Always)

It feels like being a big sis a really tough job. Well it is. But it can be fun too sometimes, believe it or not but yeah. Yesterday, I asked my lil brother about his plans for the future. I think you already know the answer. Well he said that he don't know. He have never planned it that far. Of course I was shocked cause he is in his last year of high school and will graduate in June. So yesterday, I encourage him to look after some course he is interested with. He found a lot that he wants. Like really a full list, which is really good cause that means he have a lot of choices to make he can register so he can just choose afterwards. I thought everything is doing well until we look for the requirements of every courses he wants. Everything went upside down.. There are some subjects he needs to have which he doesn't have.. And maybe it's too late to have this subjects in high school cause the school year is almost done. 

I can feel that he felt helpless, regretfull and hopeless but that's my role. To give advice, to give him hope, to push him to do it and to remind him that there are a lot of solutions. Make some solutions not always problems.

It was just like me before. I didn't even know what I want. It's a part of growing up. You just need to keep going. In the end you will find that one thing you want to achieve. And not later on you will have your goals. 

You maybe did the wrong decisions but it's ok, it's totally fine cause those will help you to be better, to develop your abilities. So don't be afraid of making mistakes. And don't regret them, they are there to give you a wake up call.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

I'm thinking of not spoiling it.

I was thinking of posting some of my final decisions about my tattoo but i will let you wait until after i got it. Just not to give away too much.. Patience. I'm also running out of patience too... I just want it to be done. I'm so excited but at the same time I guess a little bit scared of the things that what might get wrong before, while and after getting a tattoo. I am dead serious of getting one but i am kinda nervous cause well obviously It's my first but I am some friends who already had some tattoos before so I will have someone to asked to. Which makes me not to panic too much. The after-care of your tattoo is the key of making your tattoo the way you want it to be. Another thing I am so curious is how much will it hurt? Having a tattoo hurts. I know that and i am preparing myself for that but I can't prepare enough if I don't have any idea how much will it hurt. I guess the best thing to do is just be ready for the pain. I've watched few videos on Youtube about some people getting their first tatoo. And all have very different level of pain. Some really scream to the toppest of thir lungs but some handle it with cool. It's litterally about how you copes with pain, with needles. And plus on where you decided to have your tattoo. Boney places in your body will hurt more.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Small things do matter.

You might already heard about the catastrophe that happen in the Philippines last week. How can such a disaster happen to a country like that. I was born and raised there. It's really hard to believe that something big and strong storm can hit a small land, with so much people already trying to survive in a daily basis. How can it be like this.. How can this happen... It feels so bad that I am not there to help them.. I know i can't make a big help but doing small things is enough than doing nothing at all.

 It feels so bad that I get a chance to sleep well tonight but some people don't even have a bed to sleep on tonight. It feels so bad that I know I am one of the guilty people who cause this kind of disaster. I know that i am a consumer. And we consumer do what we need to do.. We might not think of it all the time but have you ever thought of how the world change so much because of us. What's the cause of all of  this calamities that are happening around the world.

I remember it clearly when we have this paper. We need to write about "Global Warming". I chose to write about how Global Warming changed the whole world and even how can it changed our economy. In the beginning I was so intrested on things and I want to know everything. I honestly regretted it. Not that I regretted knowing all the bad things we human being have done but I was so hurt that it took me so long to finish writing it. I just didn't want to continue writing it. It honestly made me teary on the process of writing it. I have to read this terrible things that had happen around the world.

The country that stuck on me most was Bangladesh. There was some time in the past that it was almost under. The people had the only chance to plant some water crops which they can sell in a very cheap amount.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

sharing my joy.


What ever you do we will always have different opinions. Others might not accept your and vice versa but the only way not to fight over some stupids things is to show respect. There will always be arguements hanging in the air and that will never end. It is just how we are humans are. So just respect it.

You can't blame anyone by having a very differrent insight/ opinion on things. Our opinions are based on our past experiences and even on how we are as a person.

You might even argue with me with this post I posted but hey, this is my opinion so back off.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

which is which.

ok now you need to help me to choose.. how shall i put it? which font?? any suggestions??

Thursday, November 7, 2013

One week of friendship

Did you remember when I flew to Turkey? Well if you don't. It was last March when I got ta opportunity to travel. I got to flew in Turkey because of this project we have in school. The project basically is all about music. We stayed there for a week. And it was AWESOME! That is something that I will never forget. It's hard to list things why that trip was amazing but the most awesome thing fro me was making some new friends for a week.

Talking with them for a whole week, spending time with them almost whole day, doing so randomw things with them, just having fun with them. I miss the feeling of just knowing that when you wake up, you will be abe see them again and have the oppurtunity to get to know them much more better. It felt like knew them for a long time. I remember the first day we met each other. Everyone have this small group with their fellow student, but not later on all us where included in this big group. 

Yesterday, I met with a friend which I knew from the trip. I honestly was so surprise! It was a late night when I got his message in Facebook, if I can come to the city to meet him. Well ofcourse when you receive this kind of message you will not immediately believe in it. But it was true. He's here in Sweden! I met him yesterday. It felt so good to just talk again with him and with his friend. 

Monday, November 4, 2013


1. A tattoo
       Nov. 30 me and my brother will be having a tattoo!! Mine will probably will be like this:

 I'm still not sure about the specific details of it, like the size of it, if I will include the birds, which wrist shall I put the anchor and the word believe. One thing is for sure I want a anchor and the word believe. Some tips for the specific details??

2. New laptop
     A bought a new laptop for me cause right now the one i'm using suck so much that I want to throw it thru my window or just punch the monitor in the center! So to avoid being irritated with it I decided to buy a new one. A Acer Aspire V5 in silver.

3. Driving License
      It's time for me to kick in and study to have my own driving license because I really need it! There many things will be a lot easier for me to do when I already have a driving license. So today I bought the "Teoripaket" which means it's the Theory part of having a driving license. It's basically about the rules, signs and etc. in driving.

For a change

Having all the things you've been wanting for the longest time is finally coming true step by step. When you work hard there is something good coming after. Adter the hardship you've been there will always be a good side of everything you've worked for. That's what I've been saying to myself since I begun to work. A work which i didn't enjoy so much honestly in the begin but now I am actually enjoying myself now. And I am always grateful in every opportunity I get to work. This job I have right now really taught me so many things. One of them is how to treasure every time you get to wake up everyday. Be grateful for each day. It taught me how to care much more about my health. And many more things.

Since I begun working I felt more like a grown up. I can saw the difference with how I was for the past couple of years and right now. I am working for myself. For my own sake. And I am enjoying it. Maybe you may not know that this is the first time that i got to work this much and get paid for what I am good with.