Thursday, November 21, 2013

Nothing is wrong with that..

Accepting some compliments can be overwhelming... Don't worry i get it. I do get overwhelmed too. Specially when you don't often receive compliments by the same people. You might feel that you don't deserve such compliments.. But trust me you deserve it cause that person will not say such beautiful words to you if they don't mean it. Saying compliments are not easy than it may sounds. Beleive it or nor but there are some who feels uncomfortable saying those words. It's not that they don't mean it but it's maybe more of like having hard time expressing it/saying it. It may take some courage to say it out loud. Trust me it does. To be honest I am one those who sometimes have hard time to say compliments. My explanation.. hmm well sometimes it's just too uncomfortable saying it out loud specially in front of that person, face to face.

I am that person who is afraid to gives out some compliments. Firstly, I don't know who to react afterwards. I just can't act normally. I feel so shy after. I don't know why. Secondly, I am afraid of giving compliments then receiving compliments too from that person. I just don't kow how to react when someone do that to you. Of course you will say thank you then what?? Will you just change the subject just to get that awkwardness in the air??

I am also that person who sometimes feels that I don't deserve such a beautiful compliments. Why? hmm. I just don't see/feel that I am that kind of person who have such qualities under my skin. But i guess sometimes we need to feel that someone appreciates us. And can see who truly the good side of us. You deserve a little bit of positivesness in your life my friend. So accept it. Feel good about yourself and remember not to put yourself to low from the others. You are unique in your own way. There is only one YOU in this world.

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