Thursday, November 21, 2013

Can you please just stop!!

Ok!! here is the deal. When you drink too much ( I mean alcoholic beverages) don't expect to be so lively like you were before you drunk so much. There is this word called HANGOVER. And that is what you will be facing first thing in the morning. There are some who don't get hangover the day after. Wonder why? Well the answer is so easy either they just don't get hangover or they do some tricks/methods/preparations to just don't get hangover afterwards. WATER! yes water can prevent hangover. Drink water before drinking alcohol, you can also drink water along with alcohol beverages and even before going to bed. I know it's kinda hard to keep track of drinking water but trust me it really helps.

Why am I talking about this?? I sat with this guy this morning and all he talked about is that he wasn't available last monday. His reason.. CAUSE I HAVE HANGOVER! Well it's your responsibility. You are a grown up man! So stop whinning that you got a severe headache the day after. Don't complain cause it's your own fault. If you don't want to feel like S*** afterwatds well don't drink then! You a big man now you must know your actions. And can you please stop blaming one of your friends/ drinking mates. "OHH it's not my fault cause my friends don't want me to go home so I was force to stay and drink a little more" COME ON! like really??? that's your reason?? sorry to say this but that's so childish of you.. Did your friends tied you up so that you can't go?? I guess not. As I said Your actions, Your choice, Your responsiblity.

Or just stop whinning about it.. Cause all I hear is you telling in details how you threw up and how you felt the day after. Act like a man! It's your actions.

OHH don't get me wrong here  now.. There is no wrong with drinking a lot and having fun. What I mean is stop whinning the day after. That's all...

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