Saturday, November 16, 2013

I'm thinking of not spoiling it.

I was thinking of posting some of my final decisions about my tattoo but i will let you wait until after i got it. Just not to give away too much.. Patience. I'm also running out of patience too... I just want it to be done. I'm so excited but at the same time I guess a little bit scared of the things that what might get wrong before, while and after getting a tattoo. I am dead serious of getting one but i am kinda nervous cause well obviously It's my first but I am some friends who already had some tattoos before so I will have someone to asked to. Which makes me not to panic too much. The after-care of your tattoo is the key of making your tattoo the way you want it to be. Another thing I am so curious is how much will it hurt? Having a tattoo hurts. I know that and i am preparing myself for that but I can't prepare enough if I don't have any idea how much will it hurt. I guess the best thing to do is just be ready for the pain. I've watched few videos on Youtube about some people getting their first tatoo. And all have very different level of pain. Some really scream to the toppest of thir lungs but some handle it with cool. It's litterally about how you copes with pain, with needles. And plus on where you decided to have your tattoo. Boney places in your body will hurt more.

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